3 min • Fiction (หนังฟิคชั่น) • Singapore • Mandarin with Mandarin, English, and Thai subtitles • บรรยายไทย • Thailand Premiere
ถุงพลาสติกใบหนึ่งถูกซัดขึ้นมาบนชายฝั่ง ดูเหมือนเป็นเรื่องเดิมๆ ที่เกิดขึ้นซ้ำไปมา
A plastic bag washes up onto shore. There's nothing new under the sun.

Zachary Yap
Zachary Yap Weng Kit (葉永傑) is a Singaporean filmmaker who discovered his love for cinema when he was struggling to fit in with a grim society. It became a healing process that helps him to understand himself and the world better. He pursued his education in film and started his career in casting. As a filmmaker, Zachary is passionate about stories that focus on connections between individual hope, desire, and insecurity that suppress a certain kind of peace. He plans to continue experimenting with various forms of expression.
Zachary is an alumnus of Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival's NAFF Fantastic Film School 2021 and will be participating in the Kyoto Filmmakers Lab Masters Session in January 2022.
Director: Zachary Yap • Producer: Ruonan Ma • Writer: Zachary Yap • Director of Photographer: Kai Ren Tay • Editor: Lee Jing Wei • Production Designer: Anja Dimova • Sound Designer: Faris Bowe • Cast: Ong Yin Meng, Javier Ng, Shanette Tan, Jetaime Ng